ESL Lesson Plan: Nature & Environment (Intermediate)

In this ESL nature worksheet, you will learn and expand the vocabulary of nature and environment. Exercise A contains a vocabulary of landscapes in nature. Exercise B contains a vocabulary of environment and climate change.

Read the questions before answering to make sure you understand them. 

A. Exercise: Vocabulary (Landscapes)

  1. Match the pictures (a-f) with the correct words (1-6) and fill in the blanks.
1. desert ___
2. ocean  ___
3. rainforest ___
4. coast ___
5. forest ___
6. lake ___
7. dam ___
8. tunnel ___

2.  Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct words from Exercise 1. Please mind that some words need to be written in their plural form.

a) The Caspian Sea is the biggest ___________ in the world.

b) Antarctica is the largest polar  ___________ on Earth.

c) There is always light at the end of the  ___________.

d) The  ___________ (plural) absorbs CO2 and releases oxygen that humans need to survive.

e)  ___________ (plural) are important because they provide energy and water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, and garden watering.

f) The Amalfi  ___________ in Italy looks amazing!

g) Bears, deer and wolves are  ___________ animals.

h) Every day, people throw 8 million pieces of plastic in our  ___________ (plural).

B. Exercise: Reading & Translation (Environment) 

Read the text carefully, then rewrite the underlined words in the “ENG” column in the table below. Translate each word in your language and write the translation in the second column.

Our planet is in great danger, and we need to protect it because our world is our home, and we must save it! The greatest threats on planet Earth today are climate change, air pollution, water pollution the cutting down of trees, and the extinction of animals and plants. Some zoologists work with animals that are endangered species. These animals are animals that are disappearing from our planet because of climate change, hunting, poaching, and the destruction of their habitat. Many animal species are extinct and this means that they no longer exist, like the male white rhino or the Chinese dolphin. Don’t forget that we are all responsible for the future of our planet, so here are some things that we can do to preserve the natural world: 

  • recycle
  • reuse
  • say no to plastic bags, cups, and bottles
  • travel with trains instead of airplanes
  • eat less meat
  • shop from eco-conscious brands
  ENG (translation) 

C. Exercise: Questions & Answers 

Watch the video of the popular climate activist Greta Thunberg. Do you know Greta? Have you heard of her initiative “Fridays for Future?” 

Talk briefly together with your class and teacher about why is she important, then mark questions 1-6 as True (T) or False (F).

  1. Students protest to save the environment. ____
  2. Greta thinks that we can’t fix climate change. ____
  3. We need to stop burning fossil fuels. ____
  4. Trees and coral reefs can’t help us to repair our broken climate.____
  5. Up to 200 species are going extinct every single day. ____
  6. Nature can’t regenerate. ____

D. Activity: Memo Game

Review the landscape and the environment vocabulary. Then put this worksheet away and play the game in teams. The winner is the team who will answer most questions in record time.

Download this worksheet in Word and PDF doc format (zipped)

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