ESL Reading Comprehension Worksheet: Global Warming (Intermediate)

A worksheet about global warming to practice reading for intermediate ESL students. (Free download available.)

Global warming

My name is Amy, and today I gave a talk on global warming. I had been wanting to speak about this topic for several years, as it’s something I feel very passionate about. I presented the statistics of various factors such as pollution, rising sea levels etc, and I feel like this helped give credibility to what I was saying. I had butterflies in my stomach as I went in, but as I left the stage I felt invincible! I hope that the presentation made a difference. 

The response was fantastic. Everyone was saying what a good job I did, and some even wanted to do more talks. So, now I have two more talks to give this week and now that I’ve done the first one, it should all be downhill from here (I hope!)

I. Exercise one – Fill in the blanks

1. My name is __________________________________.

            a. Andy

            b. Amish

            c. Alan

            d. Amy

2. I had __________________________________ in my stomach

            a. butterflies

            b. caterpillars

            c. bees

            d. spiders

.So, now I have __________________________________ more talks to give this week

            a. one

            b. two

            c. three

            d. four

II. Exercise two – Answer the questions

1. What did Amy speak about?


2. How long had she wanted to speak about this topic?


3. What is some of the information she spoke about?


4. How did she feel when she started the presentation?


5. How did she feel when she finished the presentation?


III. Exercise three – Talk about yourself

1. Do you think global warming is real?



2. What can be done to combat global warming?



3. Do you do anything to fight global warming?



Download this worksheet in Word and PDF doc format (zipped).

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