51 Mixed Conditionals Conversation Questions

Here’s a list with mixed conditional conversation/speaking questions for your English lesson:

3rd and 2nd Mixed Conditionals

  • If you had pursued your childhood dream career, how would your life be different now?
  • If you had been born in another country, which culture would you find most fascinating?
  • If you hadn’t met your closest friend, how would your social life have changed?
  • If you had learned a musical instrument as a child, which one would you be most passionate about playing now?
  • If you had chosen a different college major, what career path would you be on today?
  • If you hadn’t faced your biggest fear, how would your confidence level be affected?
  • If you had grown up in a different family, what values would you hold most dear?
  • If you had started learning a foreign language earlier, which one would you be fluent in now?
  • If you hadn’t read your favorite book, how would your perspective on life be different?
  • If you had been born in a different era, which historical figure would you want to meet?
  • If you had taken a gap year before starting your career, what experiences would you have sought?
  • If you hadn’t moved to your current city, where would you be living and why?
  • If you had chosen a different hobby to pursue, which one would you excel at now?
  • If you had been raised by a single parent, how would your family dynamics be different?
  • If you had grown up with/without siblings, how would your personality have been influenced?
  • If you had studied abroad during college, which country would have impacted you the most?
  • If you hadn’t faced a significant setback, what lessons would you have failed to learn?
  • If you had been born into royalty, what kind of leader would you be?
  • If you hadn’t taken that risk in your career, where would you be professionally?
  • If you had grown up in a rural area, how would your appreciation for nature be different?
  • If you hadn’t met your mentor, what direction would your life have taken?
  • If you had been given a different name at birth, how would your identity have changed?
  • If you hadn’t learned the importance of self-care, how would your mental health be affected?
  • If you had discovered your hidden talent earlier, how would you be using it to make a difference?
  • If you had grown up in a family that prioritized art and creativity, what kind of artist would you be today?
  • If you had invested in a different stock market sector last year, how would your financial situation be different now?

2nd and 1st Mixed Conditionals

  • If you were to win a million dollars, how will you invest or spend the money?
  • If you could live in any fictional world, which one will you choose and why?
  • If you were to write a novel, what genre will it be and what will the plot revolve around?
  • If you could have any supernatural power, which one will you choose, and how will you use it?
  • If you were to start your own business, what industry will you focus on and why?
  • If you could travel back in time, which historical event will you witness, and how will it change your perspective?
  • If you were to learn a new skill, which one will you choose, and how will it benefit your life?
  • If you could have dinner with any famous person, who will you invite, and what will you discuss?
  • If you were to create a new invention, what problem will it solve, and how will it improve people’s lives?
  • If you could live in any country for a year, which one will you pick, and how will you immerse yourself in the culture?
  • If you were to start a charity, what cause will you support, and how will you raise funds?
  • If you could have any animal as a pet, which one will you choose, and how will you care for it?
  • If you were to create a new holiday, what will it celebrate, and how will people observe it?
  • If you could have any job for a day, which profession will you choose, and what will you learn from the experience?
  • If you were to write a song, what theme will it explore, and how will it inspire others?
  • If you could have any piece of art in your home, which one will you select, and how will it influence your daily life?
  • If you were to learn a new language, which one will you choose, and how will it expand your opportunities?
  • If you could have any famous person as a mentor, who will you pick and what guidance will you seek?
  • If you were to create a new app, what purpose will it serve, and how will it improve users’ lives?
  • If you could have any vehicle, which one will you choose, and where will you go on your first adventure?
  • If you were to take up a new hobby, which one will you pursue, and how will it enrich your life?
  • If you could have any magical ability, which one will you choose, and how will you use it to help others?
  • If you were to write a self-help book, what topic will you address and what advice will you offer?
  • If you could have any famous chef cook a meal for you, who will you choose, and what dish will you request?
  • If you were to create a new sport, what rules will it have, and how will it challenge participants?
  • If you could have any historical figure as a roommate, who will you choose, and what will you learn from them?
  • Read our guide on teaching conditionals to ESL students.

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